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    Sonja and Diane answer some of your FAQs!

    Interview29 Oct, 2023
    Sonja and Diane

    Recruiting talented staff with rare IT skills in the Netherlands is extremely tough because there just doesn't seem to be enough people with the needed skills in the whole of the country!

    With Ir Olav's Globetrotters, we help you broaden your search by looking to South Africa for the staff you need. But who is Ir Olav's Globetrotters? What can you expect from them? Is it expensive? What does the relocation process involve? What are the qualifications of the candidates?

    Sonja Poortman and Diane van Galen Last answer some of your most pressing questions in a series of videos!

    FAQ: How quickly do candidates learn to speak Dutch?

    Recruiting staff from another country can be daunting, especially if it requires them to learn a new language. This can have huge implications with delays and misunderstandings.

    Sonja Poortman and Diane van Galen Last are here to explain why clients needn't be concerned about our Globetrotter candidates as their exposure to Afrikaans and the Dutch lessons they attend to ensure that candidates learn to speak, read and write the language fluently.

    FAQ: How does the relocation process work?

    Relocation can be extremely complicated and can take a really long time in terms of getting visas approved, getting the needed documentation, the actual logistics of having someone and their families uproot their lives, and more.

    Diane explains how they make the entire process as painless and smooth as possible for both candidates and clients.

    FAQ: What can you expect in terms of the qualifications of our candidates?

    Although South Africa offers a bigger pool of candidates to choose from, what can clients expect in terms of the standards/quality of these candidates and the level of work that they do?

    Sonja and Diane give a bit more insight into the types of candidates that they look for but also the needs and requirements of the clients that they take into consideration.

    FAQ: How long does it take before the candidates arrive in the Netherlands?

    Time is money and we understand the need to get crucial staff members on board and working on your projects as quickly as possible.

    Sonja and Diane explain their flexible solution for clients waiting on their new staff member to arrive and how soon that could be.

    FAQ: Is International Recruiting only for Large Companies?

    International recruiting is often only considered a viable solution for larger corporates that have huge teams working on solutions. But what if you're a small start-up working with a skeleton crew of ambitious developers trying to get the latest product or service to the market on a tight budget?

    Sonja and Diane illustrate the beauty of their hiring solution as they find the ideal IT professionals for businesses in the Netherlands, regardless of their size.

    FAQ: What happens if things don't work out?

    Sometimes things just don't work out, it's a reality of recruiting. But what happens then?

    Sonja and Diane elaborate on the many failsafes they have to ensure everything goes smoothly, but even if things don't go as planned their solutions is designed to remove as much risk and inconvenience for their clients as possible.

    FAQ: Does it matter where the company is based?

    The Randstad areas are popular expat destinations as many major businesses are located in major cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, etc. But what if your business is located in a smaller town or city outside of the Randstad area?

    Sonja and Diane illustrate the beauty of their hiring solution as they find the ideal IT professionals for businesses located across the Netherlands.

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